Counselling Services


*Please note that this page is for your convenience and is not an endorsement of the programs. For more details, please contact each organisation directly.


A1 Counselling

Offers a 1-day intensive anger management session as well as a 4-week anger management program on Sundays at both their Surrey and Vancouver location. They also offer programs for substance abuse awareness and domestic abuse awareness. Some programs are also available live online.


Anger Moose Management

Offers individual sessions (4 sessions $980) and a 6-week evenings group program ($540) on for anger management in Vancouver. They also offer couples counselling and family therapy sessions.

They offer a sliding pricing scale for individuals on income assistance.


Options Community Services

Offers a multitude of programs in Surrey addressing domestic violence intervention, high-risk youth, South Asian high-risk youth, youth in the justice system, family conflicts and anger management. Some services may require a referral from the Ministry of Family and Child Development.



Surdell Counselling

Offers individual ($110 for 50mins), couples and family counselling ($160 for 80mins) in Surrey. They also offer workshops ($300 and includes a certificate) for anger management and respectful relationships. They also provide E-counselling via Skype and phone.


Mosaic BC

Offers a couples’ Enhancing Health Relationships program geared towards immigrants and visible minorities struggling with domestic violence in Surrey.

Offers a Men in Change 12-week group program on weekends and evenings in both Surrey and Vancouver. This program is also available in Punjabi, Hindi and Urdu.


Moving Forward Family Services

Offers individual and group counselling in Surrey for low-income individuals. You will be required to provide proof of income.

Clinical Counsellor: Individual $50, Couples $65

Intern: Individuals $20, Couples $35